Exhibition # 1
Exhibition # 1
Curators: Tuasho / Date: 21.01.22 - 11.02. 22 / Location: Tuasho gallery
Curators: Tuasho / Date: 21.01.22 - 11.02. 22 / Location: Tuasho gallery
Curators: Tuasho / Date: 21.01.22 - 11.02. 22 / Location: Tuasho gallery
Curators: Tuasho / Date: 21.01.22 - 11.02. 22 / Location: Tuasho gallery
The exhibition demonstrated the works of representatives of the  Ukrainian art to local spectators and guests of Kyiv.

The curators of the exhibition aim to open new names of  Ukrainian artists to the public, create bold art projects, and visualize the Ukrainian art on the local and world art scene. The blood of Ukrainian art requires special attention and approach, the presentation of works by young artists should be as bold, fresh, and ideological as the works themselves.